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The 2022 Visa Lottery results have posted

With the switching of administrations, immigration has yet again become a hot topic. But, one of the lesser-known ways to immigrate to the U.S. is through the so called, “Visa Lottery” run by the U.S. Department of State, who just released the most recent, “winners.”...

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Talk to your teen about summer driving

As the summer season approaches, more teens will find themselves behind the wheel after school ends for summer break. While the freedom of driving a car is an exciting thing for many teens, it is also the second leading cause of death in teenagers. You...

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Bartender accused selling alcohol to already intoxicated patron

Most adult residents of Charlotte are aware of the criminal penalties that may attach to driving a vehicle while drunk. What is less well known are the penalties that can be enforced against someone who serves an alcoholic beverage to someone who is obviously intoxicated....

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Do you have to submit to a breath test if asked to by police?

You may have had a drink or two at happy hour after work, or perhaps you shared a bottle of wine at dinner at a restaurant, and then drove home. However, while on your drive you may dread to see red-and-blue lights flashing in your...

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Speed a probable factor in Charlotte motorcycle crash

Speeding was a likely factor in a recent accident involving a motorcycle in east Charlotte. At approximately 6 p.m. on Thursday evening, Charlotte-Mecklenburg police responded to the scene of a fiery motorcycle crash on Albemarle Road near Nathaniel Greene Lane. A Kawasaki motorcycle was on...

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Don’t let unreliable witness testimony lead to your conviction

Witness testimony is an important factor in every criminal case. If the prosecution’s witnesses are likely to provide powerful testimony, then a defendant may be more likely to accept a plea deal. If the defendant doesn’t, then the prosecution might like its chances of obtaining...

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Las razones por las que se producen ataques violentos en determinadas propiedades

With the COVID-19 pandemic still lingering, you work from home four times a week. And once a week, you head into the office to focus on your projects, assuring no distractions from the kids at home. This schedule works well for you, and, sometimes, that...

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Immigration law and crimes involving moral turpitude

America’s immigration laws are complex and hard to navigate for most people. Yet, not knowing the ins and outs of the law can lead to tragic consequences for individuals and their families. This can be especially true when it comes to how the criminal law...

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Maintenance and cargo securement in truck accidents cases

Many truck accidents occur because the drivers of these big rigs act negligently while operating their vehicle. They might be distracted, fatigued, or even intoxicated. While these types of truck accidents are pretty common, there are other types of wrecks involving trucks that can be...

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¿Qué opciones de defensa existen ante los cargos de agresión?

All criminal charges are serious and should be treated with attention and care. When a Charlotte resident finds themselves in the difficult position of facing assault charges, they should know that they have rights and options for protecting their legal interests. One of the first...

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