Archivo de categoría: Inmigración

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H1B visa rules may change

The United States has a H1B visa program that is intended to admit bankers, technologists, and other workers with advanced skills into this country. This year, the federal government reduced immigration and entry under this program. The results of the recent presidential election, however, could...

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What is asylum in an immigration legal case?

There are many reasons that individuals move to the United States. For some, job opportunities cause them to pick up from their home countries and relocate. For others, love and relationships may be the impetus for international relocations. Whatever the reason, an individual generally needs...

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Being an immigrant in 2020 can take a psychological toll

It’s not easy being an immigrant these days. It can be incredibly stressful on many fronts. That doesn’t mean there are not major upsides, but one also has to understand the challenges faced by immigrants in 2020. Professionals note that there is a potential psychological...

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The percentage of immigrants in the United States

Immigrants have always been a fundamental part of the makeup of the United States. Almost everyone who lives in the country is either an immigrant or descended from one. That importance still exists today and this country continues to be a hub for immigration in...

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Removal orders may impact child custody

A person who is in the United States without proper documentation, whether this is because they didn’t have it when they came into the country or because they allowed their documentation to expire, has a lot of battles to fight. One thing that they might...

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Applying for asylum in the United States

Many immigrants come to the Charlotte area to pursue a job or college degree, or to live with their families. Others come here to escape persecution, violence or instability in their country of origin. The United States offers asylum, or the right to live and...

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