Archivo de categoría: Inmigración

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Keeping your family together through the immigration process

A foreign national hoping to achieve permanent residency in the United States can apply for a green card. Every green card application has its own set of caveats, but it will open many opportunities for you and your family. One of the more common ways...

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How do I get a green card?

For many immigrants, receiving a green card is the culmination of patience, challenging work, lots of paperwork and arduous immigration proceedings. Having a green card is different from being a U.S. citizen. However, i t is a happy time for the green card recipient, leaving...

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Legislature targets immigrants with new bills

Immigration has long been a hot-button political issue in American life, and politicians know they can get the public’s attention when they announce policies that target undocumented immigrants. In recent months, North Carolina lawmakers have advanced several measures that seem designed to make life more...

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Crimes need not be aggravated nor a felony for deportation

We all make mistakes, some more serious than others. For example, plenty of people in the United States are charged with a crime and ultimately convicted. They serve their sentence and go back to their lives. But if you are a noncitizen and are convicted...

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Guiding you through family immigration law matters

The reasons to immigrate to America are multitudinous; however, when families move to the United States, the main objective is to keep their family together as a unit. Unfortunately, immigration law issues could arise, resulting in families being split due to issues with status. This...

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Borrowing a passport is a bad idea

Immigrants rarely immigrate alone. When one family member comes to the United States, they naturally want to bring their families as well. However, the United States immigration laws are complicated and fraught with pitfalls where you can negatively impact your own chances of immigrating. In...

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New immigrants may be good for the U.S. economy

The Senate is working on an immigration bill that may be good for immigrants and also for the United States on the whole because new jobs may be available to immigrant workers. If that happens, the end result may be that the food prices across...

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Los cargos por violencia doméstica podrían suponer la deportación

In North Carolina, a domestic violence case will involve criminal charges like assault and battery. For someone who has no criminal history, the charge will usually be a misdemeanor. However, certain circumstances, like choking the victim or using a weapon, could lead to a felony...

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Can I travel out of the country if I have a green card?

If you are a green card holder in the United States, there are many things you can do. You can work, purchase a home and even join the military. However, you may have questions or concerns about traveling abroad as a green card holder. There...

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Types of commercial visas

The United States issues visas permitting non-citizens to enter the country temporarily for transacting business. They must comply with requirements concerning their business, income, and stay. Commercial visas Foreigners can start and own a business in this country without a business or commercial visa or...

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