Archivo de categoría: Defensa Penal

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North Carolina crime rate higher than U.S. average

This blog often discusses crime throughout our area and the importance of strong criminal defenses for those accused of those crimes. While it may seem like people are accused of criminal activities excessively in North Carolina and Charlotte, generally, as it turns out, it is...

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Agente de policía local acusado de agresión tras un incidente doméstico

In Charlotte and across North Carolina, a domestic incident can happen to anyone and result in an arrest. This includes people in law enforcement. In addition, it is not restricted by gender. Although the overwhelming percentage of domestic violence cases have women being victimized, they...

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Bartender accused selling alcohol to already intoxicated patron

Most adult residents of Charlotte are aware of the criminal penalties that may attach to driving a vehicle while drunk. What is less well known are the penalties that can be enforced against someone who serves an alcoholic beverage to someone who is obviously intoxicated....

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Do you have to submit to a breath test if asked to by police?

You may have had a drink or two at happy hour after work, or perhaps you shared a bottle of wine at dinner at a restaurant, and then drove home. However, while on your drive you may dread to see red-and-blue lights flashing in your...

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Don’t let unreliable witness testimony lead to your conviction

Witness testimony is an important factor in every criminal case. If the prosecution’s witnesses are likely to provide powerful testimony, then a defendant may be more likely to accept a plea deal. If the defendant doesn’t, then the prosecution might like its chances of obtaining...

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¿Qué opciones de defensa existen ante los cargos de agresión?

All criminal charges are serious and should be treated with attention and care. When a Charlotte resident finds themselves in the difficult position of facing assault charges, they should know that they have rights and options for protecting their legal interests. One of the first...

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Defending against DWI charges in North Carolina

Facing a possible criminal conviction for a DWI in North Carolina can be overwhelming, particularly if it is the first time you have been arrested. A criminal defense attorney in your area can review your case and prepare a defense strategy to reduce your sentence...

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What happens at the first court hearing after charges are filed?

Many Charlotte area residents have found themselves on the other side of the law. Unfortunately, facing a criminal charge can be a serious matter and there are many complexities. If a person has been arrested for a crime, they may be confused by the process...

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What is reckless driving?

You can make the argument that driving over the speed limit is a “reckless” decision, but simply going five miles per hour over the posted limit isn’t enough to get a reckless driving charge all on its own. How does the law define reckless driving?...

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