Archivo de categoría: Defensa Penal

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When does a DWI charge become a felony in North Carolina?

In North Carolina, getting a driving while intoxicated (DWI) charge can be an extremely intimidating experience. The state has five levels of DWI misdemeanor charges, with Level V having the most minor penalties and Level I the highest. You could get a higher sentence level...

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Crimes need not be aggravated nor a felony for deportation

We all make mistakes, some more serious than others. For example, plenty of people in the United States are charged with a crime and ultimately convicted. They serve their sentence and go back to their lives. But if you are a noncitizen and are convicted...

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Parade driver loses control of truck, kills parade dancer

Many cities in North Carolina and elsewhere hold parades to celebrate the arrival of the Christmas season. Raleigh is no exception, except for the tragic accident that marred the city’s parade this year. A young girl was killed, and a 20-year-old male is now facing...

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Do I have to submit to the DUI roadside breath test in Charlotte?

It’s standard practice for Charlotte police and Mecklenburg County deputies to use roadside breath tests on drivers they suspect are over the legal limit for alcohol. Commonly known as breathalyzers, these devices are supposed to measure your blood-alcohol content (BAC) to help establish probable cause...

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Alcohol blamed for head-on collisions that kill three on I-485

Head-on collisions generally involve a serious driving error by at least one of the involved drivers. Intoxication on the part of one of the drivers frequently shares the blame for the accident. A recent multi-vehicle crash on I-485 in Charlotte appears to have been the...

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Golf cart driver charged with manslaughter and DWI

Golf carts are generally viewed as benign vehicles. They have a very low top speed and don’t weigh very much, but they are not very stable. The use of alcohol by a golf cart driver can raise the level of threat considerably, as demonstrated by...

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How North Carolina classifies theft crimes

Being accused of a crime can be a terrifying experience. The outcome can have a profound effect upon your life and that of your family. Theft crimes are among the most common alleged, so it’s important to have a basic understanding of how North Carolina...

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Will I lose my license if I’m facing a DWI?

Barely a day goes by when we do not hop in our cars and drive somewhere. We depend on the ability to drive to get to work, get our kids to school, run errands and attend appointments. So, if you are accused of driving while...

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Here’s how a criminal conviction could affect your life

Are you nervous about being charged with a criminal offense? If so, then you need to fully understand what’s at stake and how best to defend yourself. Those who fail to recognize the severity of the situation can end up accepting a plea deal that...

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Why should I take a traffic ticket seriously?

Many people in North Carolina might see traffic tickets as more of nuisance than anything else. On the one hand, no one in the Charlotte area wants to pay a fine and face the possibility of a mandatory defensive driving class and several years of...

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