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Construction dangers are evident after scaffold collapse

Construction work is a common vocation for many in North Carolina. This is particularly true for immigrants, many of whom are Latino. Since construction workers are at significant risk and so many immigrants are involved in this type of work, it is imperative to be…

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Usual reasons for a green card denial

A green card generally makes you a permanent resident of the United States but getting one can be challenging. You need to apply, submit the necessary documents and go through the required procedures, and even then, you might fail. Every year, thousands of applicants fail…

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How serious is shoplifting?

Given how common shoplifting is, some customers might think it is not a big deal if they slip a few items into their bags without paying for them. But because shoplifting costs businesses millions of dollars annually, authorities take the crime seriously. Shoplifting can result…

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When does a DWI charge become a felony in North Carolina?

In North Carolina, getting a driving while intoxicated (DWI) charge can be an extremely intimidating experience. The state has five levels of DWI misdemeanor charges, with Level V having the most minor penalties and Level I the highest. You could get a higher sentence level…

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Dog bite injuries: liability and compensation

Dogs have long been known as man’s best friend. They have been providing companionship, loyalty and endless tail wags. However, there is another side to this tale of friendship when the unthinkable happens: a dog bite. Suddenly, the bond between man and dog takes a…

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How dangerous is it for bicyclists in Charlotte?

A growing number of North Carolina residents are using bicycles as their primary mode of transportation. This is beneficial for myriad reasons including the amount of money it saves, that it is a good way to get exercise and that it is a positive for…

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Can I face visa denial because of health issues?

Like any country, the United States has a list of conditions for various visa types based on the circumstances. Whether traveling for work or recreational purposes, you must undergo a process to determine what visa type fits your situation. Still, certain factors could affect your…

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How is distracted driving dangerous?

In driving school, the instructor always emphasizes paying attention to the road. Despite being a fundamental piece of knowledge, distracted driving remains one of the country’s leading causes of fatal motor vehicle accidents. Even the most mundane distractions — such as taking a call, sending…

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North Carolina’s revived bill widens divide on undocumented immigrants

Immigrants play integral contributions to North Carolina’s diverse population. A recent American Immigration Council report shows that out of the state’s entire immigrant community, 39% accounts for undocumented immigrants. However, a revived bill directed at immigrants illegally staying in the country is now the center…

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How can I avoid a slip and fall injury?

Slip-and-fall incidents sound like something straight out of a slapstick routine – but in the context of how they can cause serious injuries, they’re anything but funny. According to the National Flooring Safety Institute, slips and falls are the top cause of workers’ compensation claims…

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