Gunshots, even those not directed at anyone, can be scary. It’s terrifying enough that bullets move too quickly for the eye to see, so the sound of gunfire is the only way people know they’re potentially targeted. This is why it’s a common intimidation tactic to fire a gun into the air to scare a group of people.
The act of discharging a firearm to incite fear is a crime in North Carolina. Even if the bullets aren’t directed at anyone in particular, it’s still a punishable offense.
Under North Carolina law, anyone who willfully discharges or attempts to fire a gun within any occupied building, vehicle or enclosure with the intent to intimidate other people commits an offense. This is a Class F felony offense, which leads to up to five years of imprisonment on conviction.
State law also has provisions for gunshots discharged as part of criminal gang activity. This offense is a Class E felony, and anyone convicted of the offense faces up to seven years of prison – the same penalty imposed on those convicted of firing a weapon into an occupied structure.
No matter the context, discharging a firearm within a building or closed space with other people is a serious offense. The gunshots don’t have to hit anyone; offenders will face criminal charges for endangering other people’s lives. A conviction also leads to a felony, so anyone charged with the crime should take their defense in court seriously.
Recently we have been receiving an extremely high volume of calls. We are doing our best, but at times we are unable to answer all calls, particularly at lunch time when there are fewer receptionists available. We are working to hire more receptionists.
In the meantime, if you are having trouble calling the front desk, please do the following:
If you are an existing client, or another person calling about an existing client, you may contact the assigned paralegal directly using the phone number and extension or email address provided here on the website. You may also come in person to the office and ask for the paralegal.
If you want a consultation to see about becoming a new client, you may come to the office in person and we will try to meet with you as soon as possible.
Thank you.