Charlotte Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

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Charlotte Catastrophic Injury Attorney

When you or a family member has suffered a serious injury due to the actions of another party, it is natural to have many difficult legal questions regarding your recovery options and how to hold the at-fault party accountable for the harm they have done. This is especially true after a catastrophic injury that has caused permanent damage. An experienced Charlotte catastrophic injury lawyer can be invaluable in this situation.

Skilled Charlotte Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Representing Catastrophic Injury Claims in Charlotte, NC

The attorneys at Butler, Quinn & Hochman, PLLC, have extensive professional experience representing personal injury clients in Charlotte and surrounding communities. We believe in providing client-focused legal counsel, as there are no one-size-fits-all solutions to personal injury representation. Every injured client deserves personalized representation, and that is what we aim to provide in every case we accept.

When you choose our firm as your legal representation, you are investing in a legal advocate who can provide ongoing guidance through every stage of your case, from proving fault and establishing liability for your damages to helping you uncover all available channels of compensation in your claim. Our firm strives to help every client understand the legal mechanisms in play so they can approach their cases with confidence.

Benefits of Hiring a Charlotte Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

There is no law in the state requiring an injured plaintiff to hire an attorney to pursue their personal injury claim. However, attempting to resolve your case on your own would be risky in many ways and unlikely to yield the results you hope to see. When you have a seasoned Charlotte catastrophic injury lawyer handling your case, you are not only more likely to win your case but also more likely to maximize your recovery.

When you have an experienced legal team representing you, they can handle your legal affairs on your behalf and keep you updated on the progress of your case while you rest and recover with peace of mind. This means you will not need to contend with your medical issues and your legal affairs all at once without assistance. Your attorney can build your case so you can focus on your personal obligations.

Another important reason to hire an experienced attorney for your case is the fact that the average person may recognize only a few of the damages they can claim from a defendant. While you may grasp immediate medical expenses, property damage, and other such losses, accurate calculation of long-term economic damages and determining suitable pain and suffering compensation will be more challenging without an attorney’s help.

Butler, Quinn & Hochman, PLLC, can provide comprehensive support for all aspects of your case, from gathering the evidence needed to prove fault, identifying all parties liable for your catastrophic injury, and calculating your damages to guiding you through all the proceedings necessary for resolving your claim. It’s vital to reach out to a Charlotte catastrophic injury lawyer as quickly as possible so they can begin working on your case right away.

Elements of a Catastrophic Injury Claim

A personal injury claim is a civil suit filed by an injured party when another party has harmed them through an act of negligence or illegal misconduct. The purpose of the personal injury claim is to hold the at-fault party accountable and for the victim to recover compensation for the damages they suffered. Generally, a personal injury qualifies as catastrophic when the victim has suffered significant long-term or permanent damage from the defendant’s actions.

If you believe another party has inflicted a catastrophic injury on you or a loved one, you must establish fault before you can claim compensation for your damages. First, you will need to identify the party or parties you believe to be responsible for causing the injury. It is possible for fault to fall to more than one party, and your Charlotte catastrophic injury lawyer can help you identify every liable party in your claim.

It is possible for a catastrophic injury to result from a negligent or intentional act. If any other party is to blame for your injury, your first legal challenge in your recovery efforts will be firmly establishing fault for the incident. When a catastrophic injury has occurred because of negligence, proving negligence in a personal injury claim requires establishing four basic facts:

  1. The defendant had a duty of care in the situation.
  2. The defendant breached or failed to meet this duty of care in some way.
  3. The breach of duty harmed the plaintiff.
  4. The plaintiff’s claimed damages solely resulted from the defendant’s negligence.

This may seem straightforward at first, but the reality is that any personal injury suit can escalate into a very complex ordeal that the average person will not be able to navigate successfully on their own. It is also possible for a catastrophic injury to result from illegal misconduct, in which case the defendant faces criminal prosecution alongside their civil liability for the victim’s damages.

Once fault for the injury has been established, the plaintiff can seek compensation for the damages they suffered because of the defendant’s actions. However, the plaintiff must remember the state’s contributory negligence rule. If an investigation proves that the plaintiff is partially at fault for their claimed injury in any measure, they lose the right to claim compensation from the defendant.

If you have any concerns about bearing partial fault for your recent injury, it is vital that you consult an experienced Charlotte catastrophic injury lawyer as quickly as possible. The right attorney can assist you in accurately determining liability for your damages, even if the fault lies with more than one party or there are disputes raised regarding contributory negligence.

Examples of Catastrophic Injuries

A personal injury is catastrophic if the victim suffers permanent harm. It is possible for any situation that may cause a personal injury to potentially result in a catastrophic injury. Some of the most common causes of catastrophic injuries in the state include motor vehicle crashes, workplace accidents, and slip and fall accidents. It is also possible for the victim of violent crime to suffer catastrophic harm.

Generally, any injury that causes permanent disfigurement and/or disability can qualify as catastrophic. Some of the most commonly cited examples of catastrophic injuries reported throughout the Charlotte area include traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and severe burns. It is important to remember that a catastrophic injury not only entails significant physical harm but it also takes a psychological toll on the victim and their family as well.

Many people who experience catastrophic injuries face long and difficult medical recoveries, require extensive rehabilitation, and many require mental health treatment to help them overcome the trauma of their experiences. Additionally, when a victim has been permanently disabled by a catastrophic injury, it also takes a psychological toll due to their diminished ability to work and/or live independently.

If you are unsure whether your injury qualifies as catastrophic, it is crucial to consult an attorney as quickly as possible if you believe another party is responsible for causing the injury. You have a relatively limited time to build your case, and the sooner your attorney can begin allocating resources to you, the more likely you will be to succeed with your recovery efforts.

Claiming Compensation for a Catastrophic Injury in Charlotte

After identifying the party or parties responsible for causing your catastrophic injury and gathering the evidence needed to firmly establish their liability for your damages, your attorney can help you accurately calculate these damages. The state’s personal injury laws allow the plaintiff in a catastrophic injury claim to seek compensation for all their financial losses related to the injury as well as compensation for non-economic damages.

Economic damages are generally straightforward and proven with documentation that shows they resulted solely from the defendant’s negligence or illegal misconduct. Economic damages you may be able to recover from a successful catastrophic injury claim can include:

  • Medical treatment costs. A catastrophic injury is a medical emergency, and the victim is likely to need immediate medical care following the incident that caused the injury. The defendant in your claim is liable for your hospital bills, emergency room fees, ambulance fees, and all other immediate healthcare expenses you incur from the injury.
  • Long-term medical expenses. By definition, a catastrophic injury entails permanent harm. The victim of another party’s negligence or misconduct has the right to seek compensation for the future medical expenses they are likely to incur for rehabilitation and management of their symptoms in recovery. They may also be able to recover compensation for the cost of in-home medical care and assistive medical devices.
  • Lost wages. When a personal injury prevents the victim from working, they can claim compensation for the income they are unable to earn during their recovery period.
  • Lost future income. A catastrophic injury could leave the victim permanently disabled and unable to work again in the future. When this applies to a personal injury case, the plaintiff has the right to seek compensation for the future income they are no longer able to earn. Their attorney can help them accurately calculate these losses based on their age and how long they would have otherwise been able to continue working.
  • Property damage. If the defendant also damaged any property in the incident, they are liable for repair or replacement costs.

While the average person may be able to identify their immediately noticeable economic damages, accurate assessment of their long-term economic damages will be difficult without an attorney’s help. Along with these economic damages, the plaintiff also has the right to seek pain and suffering compensation from the defendant.

It may sound difficult to assign a monetary value to intangible losses like physical pain and psychological distress, but your Charlotte catastrophic injury lawyer can provide valuable direction for this aspect of your claim.

North Carolina law does not place any limits on pain and suffering compensation except in medical malpractice suits, so as long as your claim falls outside the scope of medical malpractice, there is no limit on this aspect of your case award.

Pain and suffering compensation is meant to reflect the severity of the physical pain, emotional distress, and psychological trauma a victim experiences because of a defendant’s actions. There is no specific formula the plaintiff must use to calculate their pain and suffering compensation, but in many catastrophic injury claims, plaintiffs seek several times the total of their economic damages in pain and suffering recompense.

Punitive damages can come into play when a defendant has broken the law by causing a personal injury. These damages are meant to punish the defendant and discourage similar actions in the future. The state limits punitive damages in most personal injury cases to the greater of $250,000 or three times the total of the plaintiff’s compensatory damages. Your attorney can explain how punitive damages could factor into your case.

What to Expect From Your Charlotte Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

The team at Butler, Quinn & Hochman, PLLC, is ready to provide the comprehensive legal representation you need in the aftermath of a serious personal injury. Whether you are seeking compensation on your own behalf or you are pursuing legal recourse on behalf of an injured family member, trust our firm to provide compassionate and responsive legal counsel through every step of your claim.

Whether you were injured at work, in a slip and fall accident, or as the result of a motor vehicle accident, our team will work quickly to identify the party or parties responsible for the incident, help you assess the extent of your claimable damages, and construct a viable legal strategy that aims for maximum compensation. Our goal is to help you fully recover as quickly as possible.

Contact Butler, Quinn & Hochman, PLLC, today to schedule your consultation with an experienced Charlotte catastrophic injury lawyer you trust with your case. We’ll answer your questions, provide our initial assessment of your legal options, and let you know how our team can help with your recovery efforts.

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your family needs today.

Call us at 704-569-9800 or email us here to schedule your initial consultation. We are eager to earn the privilege of representing you and your loved ones, so act today to prepare for tomorrow.

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