Should you settle your car accident personal injury case?

As an immigrant in the United States, it can take some time to get your feet under you. Grinding it out day in and day out can get tiring, but you can secure the life that you want for you and your family. Unfortunately, all of that can be seemingly swept away when you’re injured in a car accident. Medical bills will quickly eat away at your savings, and your injuries might prevent you from working. This can leave you without the money you need to get by as you focus on your recovery.

You might be able to find relief, though, by pursuing a personal injury lawsuit. Here, you file a legal claim against the driver who caused your accident. Once you do that, the errant driver’s insurance company will probably reach out to you to discuss settling your claim. Although that initial offer of quick compensation might be tempting to snatch up, be careful that you’re not accepting less than you deserve.

How do you know if a settlement is right for you?

That’s a good question, and ultimately only you can answer it. As you assess your situation, though, here are some considerations to take into account, as they might guide you along the way:

  • What’s the true value of your claim: Before heading into your personal injury case, evaluate your damages. Calculate the medical expenses that you’ve incurred, the rehabilitation costs you anticipate, your incurred and expected loss wages, and your non-economic damages, which could include pain and suffering, lost enjoyment of life, and disfiguration. Only once you have a cumulative figure will you know what your claim is worth and can compare it to the settlement offer.
  • How’s the offer stack up: Once you know what your claim is worth, you can analyze it in light of the settlement offer. If there’s a large gap between the two numbers, then you should think about pushing for more or taking your case to trial. If the numbers are close, on the other hand, then consider whether settlement is your best option.
  • Analyze the evidence: Taking your case to trial can be risky, but it could also lead to the outcome you want. To decide whether you should reject a settlement offer in favor of trial, consider the evidence in your case. By doing so, you’ll get a better sense of whether the weaknesses of your case are too great to roll the dice on going to trial.
  • Consider your immediate needs: If you’re struggling to make ends meet now, then you could be tempted to latch onto a settlement offer. However, there are ways to cover your expenses while you wait for your lawsuit to play out, such as by agreeing to a hospital lien where the hospital agrees to hold off on collecting debt until your lawsuit resolves. If you’ve run out of options, then quicker settlement might be best for you.

Do you have questions about your personal injury case?

Life as an immigrant can be scary when your work and your savings have been stripped away from you after a serious car accident. If you’re in that situation now, then you probably have a lot of questions about how to move forward while protecting your interests. Fortunately, there are a lot of resources out there to guide you along the way. You can also reach out to those you trust for support as you navigate this tough time in your life.

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